Top 3 Internet Safety Tips for Families

However, while the internet opens up a world of learning and inspiration, it can also expose them to increasing and diverse digital dangers.

On this year’s National Family Day, Google wants to share 3 tips to help families create healthy digital habits for you parents and kids alike, so you don’t fall into the trap of misinformation and stay safe online.

Make sure the password is strong

With AI-based technology, every day, Google blocks 100 million phishing attempts and 15 billion spam messages on Gmail.

An important key to protecting yourself on the internet is choosing a strong and difficult to guess password, especially for your Google Account.

That’s why improvements are being made to proactively keep your Google account and passwords strong. The newest is a more secure way to authenticate your identity and build layered protection into your Google Account, which is automatic registration on 2-step verification.

Then enhance the Password Manager feature built right into Chrome, Android, and now iOS, to help you remember store, and autofill passwords across the web.

In May, Google also announced improvements to Password Manager to automatically warn you if it detects that one of your saved passwords has been compromised due to a data breach by a third party.

Guide your family to find suitable content

Based on a survey released in February 2021 by our Trust Research team with parents and children aged 18 years and over across Asia Pacific and Latin America, it was found that one of the concerns of parents in Indonesia is that children view inappropriate content. on the Internet.

So it’s a good idea to keep your children away from content that may not be appropriate for their age. By taking advantage of all existing supporting features, such as SafeSearch on Google which helps filter explicit content in search results for images, videos, and websites; to parental controls available on YouTube Kids.

This allows parents to only show videos you approve, or select content that is appropriate based on their child’s age, to Family Link which allows parents to monitor device usage time and limit daily access, manage Accounts Google them, and better understand children’s behavior while surfing the internet.

But regardless of the features available, open communication within the family is very important. However, in the same survey it was stated that more than a third of parents interviewed never discussed online safety with their children and more than 70% of parents surveyed were not too sure that their children would ask them for help if faced with a difficult situation. not safe online.

Don’t fall into the misinformation trap

Social isolation is a difficult impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and as a result, we are looking for new ways to stay connected with our friends and family online.

This means that we cannot avoid the sheer volume of information and claims that are spread across the internet or on social media and it is difficult to determine which news is true and which is not, especially if you have not been trained to look for it.

However, fact checks aren’t just for professionals. Every day, people look for evidence to confirm or disprove information they doubt.

Google Trends over the past 12 months show that searches for the phrase “is it true” are higher than “how to make an odading” on Google. When you first receive information, make it a habit to fact-check it so you can distinguish misinformation on the internet.

About Abraham Linkon

Hello There, I'm Abraham Linkon - CEO of TrendingWP.

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